I'm just going to go ahead and put this first since it's the most exciting thing I have to say:
Sailing Around the World in Her Seventh Decade (Texas Monthly, 12/5/16)
I met Linda via my work with Central Texas Education Funders and I feel very fortunate that she shared her adventure with me (if you want to see how absolutely insane she is, watch this clip of her on the Today Show). Getting published on Texas Monthly is a huge accomplishment - I mean, it's the National Magazine of Texas - and it's especially meaningful since TM has been a kind of second home for my family. My mom started as secretary to the founder and after 35 years worked her way up to president, and TM was where I had my first internship. The people there are so wonderful and it feels very affirming to have them publish something I wrote.
[Plus, my friend (a "real writer") had an article published on the same day, and my article got more likes/shares than his. (What, me? Competitive? Never.)]
Austin's Top Sommeliers Share Their Favorite Holiday Wines (Austin Way)
Drink like the experts! Featuring comments from some of my favorite people, John Roenigk of Austin Wine Merchant and Rae Wilson of Wine for the People.
Best Boutiques to Shop for Gifts in Austin (Austin Way - PRINT!)
This is my first time getting published in an actual magazine in several years. You can read the online version via the link above, or pick up a copy of the Insta-Austin issue and turn to page 109 to see my name! There's also a great interview with friends @eatingatx - a pair of very nice sisters who will make you very hungry. Plus, they do all their photography with iPhones!
Kellie’s Baking Co. to Reopen Cookie-Filled Store (Eater Austin)
If you haven't eaten a cookie with your Instagrammed face on it, you haven't lived. Everything I've had from here has been fabulous, plus, after talking to her I found out 1) Kellie is awesome and super nice 2) She makes an effort to hire people re-entering the workforce, so bring on the holiday feels!
The Last Unknown Man (The New Republic)
A naked man is found by a Burger King dumpster, with only a few scattered memories of his life. Who is he?
Make Your Own Pruno and May God Have Mercy on Your Soul (The Black Table)
This is an oldie but a goodie: "Open the can of fruit cocktail and dump it into the bag, along with your own emotional cocktail of nihilism, depression and crippling boredom."
You may or may not have heard that I am currently among the ranks of the unemployed. It's cool, it wasn't unexpected, I'm grateful for the time off, and I have a bunch of projects in mind to be productive with my time and keep me from going slowly insane (but hey, if you know of any jobs - contact me!). For one, I'm in the process of building a new website (hence why it took me so long to update). But more exciting: I'm going to start a new thing called Storytime Wednesdays. A couple of people have told me they miss hearing me write just for me, so each Wednesday I'm going to share one of the exciting adventures from my life. It will basically be like going on a date with me. I hope you enjoy.
Obligatory random picture of me!
Taken immediately after my haircut because I definitely am not capable of looking like this on my own. Remi at Aces is the absolute greatest.