Well, that didn't last long.
After over a year of applying to jobs with no success, I got two offers in one day. Next week, I start as the Marketing Manager of a recruiting firm. But, if I am being totally honest, this process was super stressful - it's true what they say about people hating choice.
Anyone who's been around me for the last week knows this was a difficult decision for me (and they are probably very annoyed because literally all my friends started with one opinion of which job I should take and I convinced them that the other was better - world-class arguer, here) (also, to these friends - thank you! I love you guys!). I turned down a part-time job, with benefits, in philanthropy, my field for over three years, working with people I highly respect. But, I would have been depending on my writing for half my income, which is terrifying. And, I don't know what your personal thoughts on freelancing are, but that shit is hard, yo. Full-time freelancing meant opening my computer the second I got up, and regularly working until 3 a.m., including weekends. Like seriously, I don't remember the last time I watched more than 15 minutes of a TV show at a time. So yes, I was in charge of my own schedule, but what good is that if I'm killing myself doing it?
My new position has a lot of opportunity, and I'm essentially going to be writing full-time (awesome!). I'm the first in-house marketing hire, and it's going to be so cool to craft the voice of a company. I'll work in an office every day, yes, but I'm actually pretty pumped about meeting new people (especially getting the inside scoop from recruiters!). The company very much gets shit done, which I identify with - I went from cover letter to offer letter in one week. And this is the first time I've ever had "manager" in my title. It's going to be challenging, and there are some knowledge gaps I'm going to fill, but I really think this was the right move for my career, even if it is new and different and a little scary.
Anyway, don't worry, I will continue freelancing, so you'll still get to read about all of my wonderful food adventures. Speaking of...
How to Day Drink Properly in Austin (Eater Austin)
You didn't think I was just spending all that time in bars for NOTHING, did you?
The Hottest New Pizza Places to Try in Austin (Austin Way)
Austin seems to be on a pizza kick, which I support 100% because pizza is the best.
Cozy Corner Tables at 7 Austin Restos for a Perfect Valentine's Day Dinner (Austin Way)
Or you know, just romantic restaurants in general that anyone should feel free to take me to sometime (I am easily plied with food and can provide at least somewhat witty conversation).
Interior Designers Reveal Tips to Creating a Happier, More Organized Home for 2017 (Austin Way)
Any interior designer who walked into my condo would have a heart attack but their responses make me feel better about my minimalist approach, anyway.
Austin Watering Holes That Serve Equally Delicious Food, Too (Austin Way)
Ah, drinking and eating: my two favorite things.
I Work From Home (The New Yorker)
The Prisoner (Texas Monthly)
This article has caused a lot of debate with friends, and I can't stop thinking about it. A twelve-year-old boy shot and killed a cab driver. What is the appropriate punishment?
That Time I Let Myself Be Taken Captive—Because I Didn't Want To Be Rude (Narratively)
This rings so true for me, having been in a similar, though less serious situation.
Ten Meter Tower (via kottke.org and NYT)
16-minute short film with full range of real human emotions. Highly recommend.
Is Jay J. Armes For Real? (via Texas Monthly)
RIP Gary Cartwright.
In the spirit of my latest Eater Austin article...this was taken at Strange Land Brewery's super-fun second birthday party.
Guys, I am really good at drinking beer. Can't you see the excitement on my face?