I think my new favorite phrase lately has been hoo-boy. As in, "Hoo-boy, it's been a while since I've done a recap, so buckle in for some readin'." Highly underused phrase.
I have a lot going on with work-work, which leaves little time to produce #content/write for free on my blog. I'm really glad that I have a job where I'm using so much of my brain though, even if it is a little scary that someone put me in charge of stuff.
Plus, per usual, I'm avoiding my problems. But, since it's been a good eight months since I bared my heart on the page, probably time to change that. Working on it.
Storytime Wednesdays:
How/Why I Moved to Italy
In case you were wondering
Why My Mom is Amazing
Just in time for Mother's Day, awww.
The Creepy Men Series:
Sicily, Part 1 (Part 2 coming tomorrow)
8 Spots to Cool Off With Frosé in Austin (Eater Austin)
This one blew the fuck up, because - who knew? - people like frozen pink drinks.
Where to Sip Cocktails Poolside in Austin (Eater Austin)
Equally important to staying cool this summer.
Where to Work Out and Drink at the Same Time in Austin (Eater Austin)
I recently went out with someone who hadn't heard the phrase "detox and retox" before lololol we're all alcoholics. Anyway, go read because I WORKED REALLY HARD ON PUTTING THIS TOGETHER.
Your Guide to the Best Happy Hours in Austin by Neighborhood (Austin Way)
HINT HINT for anyone who would like to take me out for a drink, for whatever reason.
5 Austin Brunch Spots for Every Mom on Mother's Day (Austin Way)
My family went to Jacoby's, which is not on this list, but was pretty darn good (though WHERE DID THE BUNNIES GO???).
Book Your Next Staycation at Any One of These Luxe Penthouses in Austin (Austin Way)
Ever wondered what the inside of penthouses look like?
8 Irresistible Frozen Cocktails to Keep You Cool This Season (Austin Way)
It's hot. Drinks are frozen. Simple solution.
Oh, and I was on the Feedbak podcast talking about dating. You can listen to me laugh nervously and tell inappropriate stories here. There's also a video somewhere. The good news is, no reading required! Hooray!
A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance (The Nib)
Sometimes, it makes me angry that we actually have to specify this.
The Writer's Process (The New Yorker)
"My experience of writing is a giddy, pleasurable one, and does not feel like being trapped inside a cage that is on fire."
When Your Child is a Psychopath (The Atlantic)
Not that my parents ever needed this...right mom and dad? RIGHT???
My Family's Slave (The Atlantic)
I'm sure everyone read this already, but incredible story worth reading again. The Atlantic killed it last month.
Last year, I went to the W Hotel's pool party and it was the absolute greatest. So when they announced that they were doing it again this year, I could not WAIT - and the party did not disappoint. I started the day with a class from The Barre Code (I work out 3 or 4 times a week and I was expecting some ballet-based class to be a walk in the park but THAT SHIT IS HARD, YO), then we had brunch (DUCK CHILAQUILES. I REPEAT, DUCK CHILAQUILES), and then finally, the party, where this glorious moment was captured by A Taste of Koko (which, PS, read her article about how much it costs to be a blogger):
Life is grand.